Strathroy has jumped two places to top the NI milk league for July, following a 2p/l increase to a 39p/l base price.

Once adjustments on milk quality are applied, Strathroy leads on 40.08p/l for milk collected on alternate days.

Strathroy last topped the league back in August 2023 and by taking first place for July, it halts an eight-month run by Tirlán at the top of the table.

The July league is calculated for milk produced at 4.08% butterfat, 3.27% protein, 4.70% lactose, 22 TBC and 223 SCC, which are the actual NI milk quality figures recorded by DAERA for the same month in 2023.

The outlined milk quality figures have improved from those in June and therefore have a bigger impact on farm gate prices, although the most important factor is the increase in base prices, which are up anywhere from 0.5p/l to 2p/l.

All change

Behind Strathroy, there have been multiple positional changes for July. Aurivo moves up three places to second after a 1.4p/l increase put suppliers on a 38.15p/l base.

Tirlán slips two places to third, which is its lowest league position since October 2023. Lakeland Dairies climbs two places to fourth with its new payment system coming into effect from 1 July. By 2026, all Lakeland suppliers will move to a A+B-C payment model. However, this is being done in stages, with the first phase involving an amendment to a scheme introduced in 2022 to encourage higher milk solids.

That change allows suppliers to drop their individual reference year for solids and instead, receive the enhanced payment rates of 0.056p/l on protein and 0.029p/l for butterfat from the co-op’s base of 3.19% and 3.85%.

The majority of suppliers have opted for this option and it has been factored into our July calculation.

With Lakeland moving up the July league table, Leprino has slipped one spot to fifth, with Dale Farm dropping four places to finish bottom.

Twelve-month average

Despite finishing mid-table, Tirlán continues to lead our analysis of milk prices over the rolling 12-month period to July 2024, averaging 36.71p/l.

The gap has also widened slightly to second placed Dale Farm. Strathroy has consolidated its place in third.

Estimated payout

While the July league is calculated using a standardised litre for milk quality, Figure 1 estimates the payout using actual fat and protein values recorded by individual processors last month.

Strathroy has the largest pay-out at £25,790 with Tirlán narrowly ahead of Aurivo for second place. Higher solids than some of its competitors leaves Dale Farm in fourth.

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