There’s a lot going on in the equine sector. Top of this list has to be the arrival of the impressively simple Horse Sport Ireland (HSI) e-Passport system.

It’s vital that the HSI regains the trust of the equestrian community following an extended period of disappointment and frustration expressed loudly by the sector, mostly focused on passporting.

The HSI powers that be have at times been frustratingly quiet in addressing the issues but as the old adage goes, actions speak louder than words and the delivery of the new registration system, named Horse Source ( appears to be the ointment to soothe the wounds.

The intention is for Horse Source to be used to submit applications to register horses, change ownership, name a horse, endorse and import, and to certify a covering.

Is it really simple to use? Yes. Was it simple to make happen? No.

Suffice to say, I believe it’s always important to question and challenge our governing bodies when they make mistakes, but it’s equally important to extend appreciation and gratitude when they deliver.

I trialled Horse Source this weekend and it certainly does deliver the smooth and uncomplicated system our equine breeders, producers and owners deserve.

Hats must be tipped to the HSI staff who have by all accounts put in some serious overtime to get this system in place. Horse Source goes some distance to solve some major issues, trust and confidence being two of them.

Next generation

Trust and confidence is in abundance when it comes to the future of our show jumping glory.

The absolutely magnificent performance by the GAIN Equine Nutrition Irish Under-21 (Young Riders) team on Friday in Peelbergen was testament to that.

The team of Niamh McEvoy, Tom Wachman, Max Wachman, Francis Derwin and Rhys Williams were awe-inspiring as they kept hold of their European Champion’s title.

Back on the farm, for anyone with foals, it’s helpful to know that the Irish Equine Centre (IEC) is offering free rotavirus A and B, coronavirus and adenovirus testing of sport horse foal diarrhoea samples.

The offer stands until October and is funded by DAFM. You can get your sample submission forms in person or online from the Irish Equine Centre.

It would be remiss of me not to mention the fabulous 2024 The Irish Field Dublin Horse Show glossy magazine.

I’ve enjoyed a lazy Sunday this week lost in the 124 pages of fantastic and exclusive interviews and insights into the greatest horse show on Earth.

Grab yourself a copy and relish the Dublin atmosphere on the page before you relish it in person in just under a fortnight.