While growth is still behind the norm, many drystock farms are in a far more comfortable position with grass supplies than they were a month ago.

However, the condition of swards is another thing, with many farmers reporting high amounts of stem and refused grass in grazing swards.

At the same time, many farms have felt a pinch in growth on silage ground, and with little surplus left over from last winter, a shortage of fodder may be on the cards.

Correcting grass quality by mowing out paddocks as silage may be a way of killing two birds with one stone. While yields will likely be low (3-4 bales/acre) it will still allow for moderate levels of extra silage to be built up. Applying 25-30 units/acre of N and mowing paddocks in 23-30 days’ time will allow these paddocks to be cleaned off for the final two rounds of grazing.

However, if the farm is still tight on grass, topping paddocks post grazing will be a better option. There is little point in closing ground to bale grass only to end up feeding bales in the week or so after.


Niall O’Meara – Killimor, Co Galway

The increase in growth has been very much welcome, as I am looking to increase fodder stocks for the winter ahead. We baled five acres of second cut ground on 8 July, 59 days after first cut.

It yielded 7.8 bales/acre, having received 2,500 gallons slurry/acre and one bag/acre of 38N+ 7S protected urea.

A mix of protected urea and 0-7-30 has been spread on some ground in the last two weeks at a rate of 12-5-21 per acre.

The autumn born weanlings were weighed recently, with the heifers averaging 323kg (0.95kg/day from birth), with the bulls averaging 373kg (1.12kg/day from birth). Pre-calving minerals have been introduced to cows ahead of calving.

System Suckler to weanling

Soil Type Variable

Farm cover (kg/DM/ha) 832

Growth (kg/DM/ha/day) 47

Demand (kg/DM/ha/day) 36

Trevor Boland – Dromard, Co Sligo

We had a few weeks there where growth was poor, but it has really taken off in the last week to 10 days. While I hadn’t any chemical N spread recently, I think there was some residual N there that helped kick on growth.

While farm cover is high, I won’t be taking out any surplus, as with calving due to commence on 1 August I am approaching my peak demand. I will be cutting 20 acres of silage this week as well, and this should be back in the rotation by mid-August for freshly calved cows.

Fly activity has increased a lot, so I am using a combination of a pour-on, weekly applications of tar and a garlic lick bucket on these autumn calvers to avoid mastitis. Youngstock were treated for worms last week.

System Suckler to weanling

Soil Type Variable

Farm cover (kg/DM/ha) 922

Growth (kg/DM/ha/day) 93

Demand (kg/DM/ha/day) 57

Stephen Frend – Newford Sucklers, Co Roscommon

Cattle have really pushed on now in the last two weeks or so with good grass in front of them. Bullocks were weighed last week and averaged 515kg, or 1.2kg/day since turn out, and while this is 15kg behind last year, it is not bad considering the year that it’s been.

Youngstock received a worm dose as coughing was heard in some cattle when they were moving around paddocks, and the dose seems to have cleared this.

Some paddocks on the out farm have been sprayed off for reseeding, while our red clover reseeds on this look to be still three weeks away from cutting.

Second cut silage is due to be baled this week, and a deision on acerage for third cut will be decided thereafter.

System Suckler to beef

Soil Type Variable

Farm cover (kg/DM/ha) 915

Growth (kg/DM/ha/day) 55

Demand (kg/DM/ha/day) 51