Milk processors have left base prices unchanged for April supplies.
Lakeland Dairies was the first processor to declare its hand, announcing its base price would remain on 35.3p/l, once a 0.8p/l input support payment is factored in.
Strathroy will continue paying from 35.5p/l base for April, with Dale Farm holding on 35.55p/l, before deductions on transport apply.
Leprino Foods remains on 34.25p/l, which includes the 0.5p/l sustainability payment.
The Magheralin processor is also expected to make the customary adjustments to eligibility criteria for its 0.4p/l mozzarella bonus relating to milk supplied over the five months from May to September.
Under these changes, the base for butterfat drops to a 3.84% with protein lowered to a 3.15% threshold. TBC remains unchanged at 25 and below, but SCC increases from 200 to 250 during the specified five month period.
Farmers supplying Dale Farm should note that from 1 April, the value of butterfat and protein changes under the final stage of the co-op’s three year initiative to incentivise higher milk solids.
Butterfat rises to a 3.95% base, with every 0.01% increment above this now worth 0.031p/l.
Protein rises to a 3.24% base, with each additional 0.01% increment worth 0.048p/l.