Adam Woods has the latest on this week’s beef trade, including the latest quotes for factory finished animals.
SUBSCRIBER ONLYLakeland Dairies has announced an additional milk price payment on all litres supplied during 2024.
Base quotes for prime cattle reached the 500p/kg mark this week for the first time on record in Northern Ireland, with quotes jumping 15p/kg for fat lambs.
Base milk prices in Northern Ireland have moved ahead of those being paid to dairy farmers in Britain.
Adam Woods has the latest on this week’s beef trade, including the latest prices on factory-finished cattle.
Cattle prices at NI plants continue to rise as processing demand exceeds supply, while there has been another increase in lamb quotes.
Robust processing demand has driven prime cattle prices to record highs in Northern Ireland. Lamb prices are also edging up with quotes on 640p/kg.
Adam Woods has the latest on this week’s beef trade, including news of quotes increasing again this week.
Adam Woods has the latest on this week’s beef trade, including the latest quotes for factory-finished cattle.
Quotes on prime cattle continue to rise at NI plants, while deals are available that pay to a higher weight limit on fat lambs.