The number of cattle slaughtered in EU-approved slaughter plants and originating in controlled finishing units (CFU) accounted for 25% of the beef kill in the period January to August 2024.

Throughput of some 294,000 head is the highest level on record and represents an increase of 18,500 head when compared with the corresponding period in 2023.

As detailed in Figure 1, throughput from CFUs has increased steadily in recent years, with year-to-date throughput running over 40,000 head higher than the five-year average.

This has been underpinned by a combination of some holdings farming under CFU status increasing cattle numbers, along with a steady increase in the number of CFU holdings.

CFU operations

CFUs were often referred to as feedlots, due to the fact that they were previously known as such.

Their name changed a few years ago to reflect the wider nature of farming systems covered, with such holdings differentiated by the fact that they are restricted under the bovine TB eradication programme and, as such, have to follow certain conditions.

Farms designated as CFUs are holdings which operate a specialised finishing system and do not deliberately possess any breeding animals. All animals on the holding can only leave the farm for direct slaughter and, in the eyes of the Department, must pose a low risk to surrounding herds.

For example, boundaries must prevent any contact with neighbouring livestock, with double fencing put in place.

TB testing must take place periodically, with the testing interval determined by the risk it poses to other herds and wildlife, but herds are not eligible for TB compensation.

CFUs can purchase animals without restriction and can purchase animals from herds that have movement restrictions.

Throughput trends

Figure 2 details throughput trends from CFUs since 2022.

The increase in throughput in 2024 has been steady across the year and is expected to dip in September and October before rising significantly in November.