A team from Kverneland Group Sweden has set a new world record for the most wrapped bales produced in 24 hours of continuous operation.

Oscar Svantesson Mander, aboard a 240 horse-power tractor and a Kverneland FastBale Premium, managed to wrap 1,587 bales within a day.

This means 66 bales were wrapped every hour at less than one minute (54 seconds) per bale.

Speaking after his successful attempt, Svantesson said it felt easy with the non-stop baling system.

“It is a lot more comfortable and convenient not having to stop the tractor every minute. We would have never achieved this output if I had to do so."

Non-stop baling

In preparation, 100 hectares of heavy grass were pre-cut.

The record was accomplished under full practical conditions, including travel time between fields, machine maintenance and the replacement of net or film, all factored into the total baling time.

The machine used both bales and wraps without having to stop with the aid of a patented concept where the bale is formed in two chambers.

The record has been validated after it was completed at the farm of Bro Godås in Säffle, Sweden, in July.

The experiment was also analysed by associate professor of the University of Linköping and innovation leader at Agtech Sweden Per Frankelius.