
Some farmers made good progress last weekend and Monday with harvest, getting many crops taken out at 20% moisture content ahead of the rain this week. However, many parts of the country were hit by showers and heavy rain, which prevented any move to the field.

There looks to be a good few dry days in the forecast for the week ahead. Hopefully it comes to pass, as a large amount of spring barley looks like it will be ready for cutting in the coming days.

Some varieties are prone to breakdown very quickly, like Planet which is a good yielder, but it needs to be cut as soon as it is ready to get maximum return. Make sure to prioritise varieties that are prone to breakdown.


A number of farmers are concerned about the Baling Assistance Payment. If you have pulled out of the Straw Incorporation Measure and are waiting on the BAP application form or confirmation, then don’t be afraid to ring the Department’s helpline on 057-8674422 to confirm that you have been taken out of the SIM or have been accepted into the scheme for the Baling Assistance Payment.

Take pictures as you go when chopping straw or baling for these schemes.

Oilseed rape

Many people have planted oilseed rape in the last few days. It is great to get crops in early, and some people have managed to apply a herbicide.

Getting weeds under control early is important to help with establishment and in case an opportunity doesn’t arise to spray later in the autumn.

Katamaran Turbo offers good control of broad leaved weeds like poppies, chickweed, speedwell, fat hen and more. Pre-emergence works well, but it can also be applied post emergence. AstroKerb will work well later in the season if the pre-emergence is missed. Cleranda should be used on Clearfield varieties. Volunteer cereals and grasses can be treated when the crop is up.


It’s a very busy time on farms. Stubble cultivation rules have to be adhered to, but can add pressure at this busy time.

Remember, you do not have to cultivate land that is destined for a winter crop by 31 October and you are supposed to leave 20-25% of stubbles uncultivated as a habitat for birds. Use this to your advantage if you cannot get stubbles cultivated within the 14-day timeline.

Grain prices

Grain prices are very low at present, but there is room for improvement before co-ops and merchants start to settle prices, so don’t be too pessimistic.

Spring barley yields are a lot better than we thought they would be when planting in April, and there are some good crops of straw. Land leases will have to be looked at and if prices being paid can be justified.

This year straw looks likely to be a lot of people’s profits, so make sure you value it properly.


The next few days look like they will be among the busiest of the 2024 harvest. This means that safety has to be your top priority. Take your time at jobs. Keep machinery as clean as possible and get enough sleep.