Farming with pride
Deirdre Verney
Knockcroghery farmer Will Keane has been named as Grand Marshal for the first ever Roscommon Pride parade, writes Deirdre Verney.
7 August 2024 Features
Desperate Farmhusband: one foot in the bog; one foot in the future
Would it be so wrong to throw the kids into the bog for a day to show them what it's like to foot some turf - even if we have air-to-water in the house? Our Desperate Farmhusband wonders.
'Get off the negativity bus and stress levels will fall'
Embrace change and look for science-based answers when making decisions on the farm, writes Katherine O'Leary
Ready-to-go farm for €1.3m plus
It has good land, a nice house, a good yard and it sits in a convenient location.
31 July 2024 Property
Roadside dairy yard and dwelling house in Wicklow
A fine farmhouse with five bedrooms and a modern dairy yard on 43ac are for sale by private treaty in Co Wicklow, writes Tommy Moyles.
17 July 2024 For Sale
Active auction for dairy heartland farm in Co Cork
Bidding was brisk for the 43ac grass farm near Enniskeane which was sold by auction recently, writes Tommy Moyles.
17 July 2024 For Sale
Philip Dolan: farming film star
A chance encounter has resulted in Philip Dolan’s big screen debut in That They May Face the Rising Sun, writes Deirdre Verney.
12 June 2024 Features
Author John Connell: ‘the sheep make me feel a new-found sense of prosperity’
In an extract from his number one best-seller, Twelve Sheep, farmer and writer John Connell reflects on returning to his rural roots.
22 May 2024 Features
Katherine's Country: it’s important to build trust with your animals
De-horning is the first tough thing we have to do to calves. It is possible to do it pain free without any trauma, preserving the relationship between calf and farmer, writes Katherine O’Leary.
Health special: coping with the unexpected side of farming
Farmers are facing challenges on a number of fronts due to the continuing deluge of rain. Many feel stressed and anxious, but there is help at hand, writes Sarah McIntosh.
10 April 2024 Health
Katherine O'Leary: it’s been a difficult calving season
While most cows calve without issue, things don’t always go to plan, writes Katherine O’Leary.
3 April 2024 Katherine O'Leary
Breathe... how to help manage stress and anxiety
How can complementary therapies help you manage farming-related stress and anxiety? Claire Lyons Forde reports.
20 March 2024 Health