Adam Woods takes a look at lice issues, weanling performance and cold weather management in this weeks Beef Management.
SUBSCRIBER ONLYProviding clean drinking water is a key part of winter management in housed cattle, but it is a task that is often overlooked.
For farmers considering rearing dairy beef calves for the first time, Kieran Mailey outlined some tips to follow this winter.
Adam Woods reports from the Teagasc beef conference which took place in Carrick-on-Shannon last week.
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All heifers were weighed in July and a batch of the heaviest were picked out to get a bit of meal at grass and these are the batch that have now been killed, writes James Strain.
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Housing is a good time to weigh cattle, as the information gained can be used for multiple herd management decisions over winter.
Adam Woods reports from an open day on the Foyle Food Group's finishing farm in Co Tyrone
With a challenging summer, parasite burdens must be kept to a minimum as stock begin to head indoors to prevent a serious falloff in liveweight gain. Martin Merrick reports.
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This week Adam Woods takes a look at housing heavy cattle, keeping weanlings thriving and on target weight gains, and grazing excess grass with sheep.
In this week's Beef Management, Adam Woods takes a look at housing issues, feeding cull cows and looking after first calved heifers.