Vet meds change draws fire from IFA and vet group, but for different reasons
Noel Bardon
Minister McConalogue's signing off of changes to veterinary medicine rules has drawn criticism from both the IFA and vets.
29 August 2024 Breeding & health
Merchants slam vets' take on medicines
Adam Woods has the latest on the vet medicines row between vets and merchants.
7 August 2024 News
Vaccines row rumbles on
Veterinary Ireland has called for the integrity of a veterinary prescription to be maintained.
Minister set to sign off on disputed medicine law
It is anticipated that the statutory instrument enacting the changes will be signed over the next fortnight despite vets' opposition.
24 July 2024 News
Vets’ emergency meeting late in the day
Editor Jack Kennedy will be watching to see if changes are made to vaccine availability for farmers.
17 July 2024 Editorial
Lameness costs average Irish dairy farm over €4,000/year
A new paper published by the Veterinary Ireland Journal said lameness is estimated to be the third-most costly health issue of dairy cows after mastitis and fertility.
27 April 2024 News