Markets Digest: stories from around the world
Lorcan Roche Kelly
Brief news snippets from New Zealand, Ivory Coast, Spain and the USA.
28 August 2024 News
Straw imports up 46% on 2023
Straw imports into the country have risen dramatically while the cereal area has declined.
15 May 2024 News
Calf exports to Europe running 11% below 2023
The number of calves sold to other EU markets continues to catch up after a slow start to trade in 2024.
Spanish demand for Irish calves increases
Spanish buyers continue to close the gap between themselves and the Dutch as the main outlet for Irish calves.
8 May 2024 News
Calf exports to Netherlands down 35%
Calf exports from Ireland to the Netherlands are significantly behind where they usually are according to Bord Bia data.
10 April 2024 News
Shippers warn of calf exports collapse
Seamus Scallan of the Wicklow Calf Company forecast that calf sales to other EU states could potentially fall by 50,000 head this year.
20 March 2024 News
Sluggish start to calf exports for 2024
Weather was just one of a number fo factors impacting calf exports for the first 10 weeks of 2024 .
20 March 2024 News