In pictures: store lambs off to a flyer in Plumbridge
Kieran Mailey
The first store lamb sale of 2024 in Plumbridge Mart got off to a flyer, with a big turnout of buyers hungry for stock.
15 July 2024 News
Farm costs continue their slow decline
Latest CSO data shows almost every input cost for agriculture eased in May
Fat lamb prices continue to drop
Lamb prices remain under pressure and are down by more than £30 since mid-June
IFA takes aim at sheep factories for pulling prices
The scale of the price cuts in factories is undermining farmers’ viability and squeezing their margins even more, IFA sheep chair Adrian Gallagher has said.
6 July 2024 News
Lamb prices tumble as buying demand eases
There has been a sharp cut to lamb prices in NI, as buying demand slows with the passing of the Eid-Al-Adha festival.
19 June 2024 Northern Ireland
Factories lag behind mart trade for lambs
The live trade in NI is returning higher prices to farmers with slaughter-fit lambs for sale.
12 June 2024 Northern Ireland
Lamb prices rebound as plants reverse cuts
Tight supplies and a strong live trade has seen factories reversing last week's cuts to lamb prices.
15 May 2024 Northern Ireland
Surge in NI sheep exports to Britain
Exports of sheep from Northern Ireland to Britain are up 83% year-on-year.
Factories move to cut sheep prices
Sheep processors are applying price pressure on hoggets and lambs ahead of the May bank holiday weekend.
Farm Tech Talk: sheds, sheep prices and sowing clover
A palatial shed for pedigree cattle in Monaghan, the latest sheep prices and advice for over-sowing clover feature in this week's show.
26 April 2024 News
AHDB revises 2024 UK lamb production outlook
Higher numbers of ewe hoggets being slaughtered and a reduction in the breeding ewe flock has led to revised production figures.
20 April 2024 Markets
NI hogget quotes bounce upwards by 10p/kg to 20p/kg
Factories in Northern Ireland reduced hogget quotes towards the end of buying for the Easter trade but have been forced to reverse prices upwards in response to tight supplies.
5 April 2024 Schemes