Fertiliser window for grazing and silage aftermath
Kieran Mailey
With plenty of rain showers this week, there will be opportunities to get fertiliser on grazing swards and slurry on silage aftermath.
Price cuts of £20/t for nitrogen fertiliser
There has been marked cuts to fertiliser prices in NI with cuts of £20/t applied to CAN.
23 April 2024 Management
Be alert for grass tetany as grazing resumes
Where suckler cows with calves at foot have been turned out to grass in recent days, make sure animals are well covered for magnesium to prevent tetany.
Fertiliser prices ease as sales increase
Fertiliser prices have seen significant discounts being applied, helping to boost sales going into April
3 April 2024 Northern Ireland
Brief weather window for slurry and fertiliser
Drier conditions are forecast into the early stages of next week. That may open a window to get some slurry and fertiliser out, kickstarting grass growth.
5 March 2024 Management