Will asking consumers to pay more for food cost farming public support for the Common Agricultural Policy?
SUBSCRIBER ONLYIt feels like our kids were born with an innate understanding of how technology works.
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Running the water supply and wastewater disposal system will cost the Exchequer up to €2 billion per annum if current ambitions are to be realised.
Reports suggest a small number of farmers have decided to walk away from the BPS regime.
Additional power needs new generation units and renewables, wind farms and solar arrays being the favoured options.
The most obvious contrast between 'then' and 'now' is the change in scale in every dimension of agriculture.
The original CAP, with its guaranteed intervention prices and export refunds, was designed to prevent severe fluctuations.
The difference in final price between the best and the worst was a really signifiant €340.
If it's happening in the food world, you better believe your Maitre D' knows about it.
It's time to hand out the plaudits and brickbats for 2024, so who is getting their heart's desire and who has a lump of coal in their Christmas sock?