Climate and environment
€12m wetland restoration fund opens to expressions of interest
Noel Bardon
The funding is open to wetland restoration projects in the midlands which successfully express interest.
18 September 2024 Forestry
Slieve Bloom first nature project under new Coillte-NPWS collaboration
The new agreement between the NPWS and Coillte aims to have greater collaboration in the delivery of biodiversity and nature projects.
31 August 2024 News
Drones out to monitor illegal burning
The NPWS is increasing its checks for illegal burning, with drones being used among other aerial methods.
Area managed for corncrakes reaches 25-year high
Although it is a secretive farmland bird, their distinctive call is a feature in some parts of the north and west coasts of Ireland, but was once widespread across the countryside.
20 August 2024 News
One in five NPWS farm plan participants to receive inspection
Some 10% of participants will receive a scheme audit each year for two years, according to tender documents posted by the Department of Housing.
Free events planned at national parks to celebrate heritage week
Some stand-out events include walking trails, demonstrations and educational activities from sheep shearing of Claddagh heritage breeds in Connemara or boxty making on the bothy trail.
16 August 2024 News
Four white-tailed eagle chicks released in Killarney
Some 27 white-tailed eagle chicks are to be released this year as part of an NPWS reintroduction programme.
6 August 2024 News
Voluntary aspect must be 'enshrined' in Nature Restoration Law
Funding must also be provided for the new nature law and guaranteed for 20 to 30 years.
24 July 2024 News
Curlews bred in Fota to be released in Leitrim
Jim Flynn, a sheep and suckler farmer from Drumshanbo, said being part of project to preserve curlews in the area 'means a lot to him'.
22 July 2024 News
Letter on lack of guidance for Irish suckler farmers
"The NPWS grazes 16,000ha and An Taisce 2,000ha respectively in Donegal, solely by red deer." - Ger Roarty, Co Donegal
10 July 2024 Letters
Public to have their say in reviewing Ireland’s wildlife legislation
The online public consultation is open until September 13 and is a chance for the public to decide where we should go beyond the minimum protections set down under EU law.
27 June 2024 News
New system for deer licences launched by Minister Noonan
Applications for deer hunting licences for the coming season can now be submitted to the NPWS through a new online portal.
4 June 2024 News