Case study: 'ACRES is not designed for small farmers with 10 cows'
Declan O’Brien
Mayo farmer claims that ACRES was designed for 'planners and big farmers'.
4 August 2024 Reseeding
Where to now for multispecies swards?
Aidan Brennan reports from the recent open day at Teagasc Johnstown Castle where there the results of recent experiments on multispecies was outlined.
17 July 2024 Editorial
Hold the line - science is catching up with policy
Unfortunately, for the last 10 years policy has moved ahead of the science, however, Teagasc is making up ground fast, Jack Kennedy writes.
Ireland best in Europe for farm carbon monitoring
A network of 28 carbon flux towers dotted all over the country will generate Ireland-specific information on carbon emissions and sequestration which may influence future farming policies.
New biodiversity indicator for national farm survey
Satellite data for the 1,000-plus farms in the national farm survey will be used to measure changes in habitats.
Staff forced to evacuate Department of Agriculture offices
Arrangements are in place for staff to work from home in the interim.
9 July 2024 News
Teagasc to host open day at Johnstown Castle
The open day will demonstrate technologies and practices for efficient, environmentally sustainable, profitable and more resilient farming systems, and the supports available to implement them.
12 June 2024 News
Johnstown Castle experiences wettest April in 22 years
Overall, April had above-average rainfall everywhere, highest in the southeast.
2 May 2024 News