By-products from farming could aid lab-grown meat industry - research
Rachel Donovan
Research investigates threats and opportunities as seen by a wide range of UK farmers.
5 June 2024 News
Higher bar for Irish Grass-Fed Beef PGI
The PGI secured for Irish grass fed beef comes with tighter conditions than apply for beef PGIs in Scotland, Wales and south west England.
29 May 2024 News
Live exports surpass 200,000 head
Calf exports are now on a par to 2023 with over 161,000 head exported live while higher exports of stores and finished cattle are pushing exports over 6,000 head above 2023 levels.
Irish Grass-Fed Beef PGI on the shelf in Italy
It has taken a long time since the original application, but Irish Grass-Fed Beef has finally arrived on the supermarket shelves in Italy. The Irish Farmers Journal travelled to have a look.
1 May 2024 News
Calf exports to Netherlands down 35%
Calf exports from Ireland to the Netherlands are significantly behind where they usually are according to Bord Bia data.
10 April 2024 News
PGI Irish beef hits supermarket shelves in Italy
Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue attended the supermarket in Milan to mark the first PGI Irish grass-fed beef products being made available to consumers.
19 March 2024 News