The outgoing Minister for Agriculture is locked in a four-way battle for the last two seats in Donegal.
Pat O’Toole completes our constituency round-up with a look at four that could play a key role in deciding who leads the country for the next five years.
The hard work will really only start after the votes have all been cast and the seats have all been filled.
Whether it's holding on to a vulnerable seat, regaining a seat where a TD has resigned or defected, or targeting a gain, there are battlegrounds and bellweather constituencies all over Ireland.
A very personal, very imperfect run around constituencies from Donegal to Kildare - what Brussels refers to as Midlands North West.
With detailed manifestos from all the major parties listing specific costed policies for farming, what exactly is on offer?
The agricultural leaders were responding to farmer concerns during the Irish Farmers Journal debate on Thursday.
From Kerry across to Wexford and back again to Clare, here's a look at half the rural constituencies in the general election.
The Green Party's general election manifesto seeks a ban on live exports and reduction on ANC funding.