Where farmers have forward stores and are considering the merits of finishing animals, doing a budget is recommended.
SUBSCRIBER ONLYThe slaughter age limits set out under the Beef Carbon Reduction Scheme have seen more cattle being finished that are underfleshed. Kieran Mailey reports.
GlasPort Bio is a Galway biotechnology company which has developed the methane-reducing feed additive RumenGlas and methane-reducing slurry additive GasAbate.
The price differential between beef cattle processed in NI and Britain is widening and close to £200 on steers
Adam Woods takes a look at managing cashflow on a drystock farm and what to do in the face of a pneumonia outbreak.
Where farmers are considering moving cattle on to a finishing diet as beef price increases, outlined are some tips to follow.
Providing clean drinking water is a key part of winter management in housed cattle, but it is a task that is often overlooked.
This week, Adam Woods takes a look at ration formulation and previews the final event in our Irish Farmers Journal suckler series.
Adam Woods has the latest on this week’s mart trade, including what’s happening in the country’s marts this week.
Adam Woods reports from an open day on the Foyle Food Group's finishing farm in Co Tyrone