Thomas McCarthy and David Wall from Teagasc, Johnstown Castle, Co Wexford examine the latest soil science research on potassium.
With slurry going out in parts and the first round of nitrogen a few weeks away for some, it might be worth seeing what paddocks need more TLC than others.
Aidan Brennan looks at soil sampling, cow body condition score and suggests some New Year's resolutions for dairy farmers.
The chief executive of AI Services spoke to the NI Institute of Agricultural Science before last week's RUAS Winter Fair.
Andrew Dale has targeted milk yield, solids and fertility using a crossbreeding programme on his 120-cow dairy farm. Kieran Mailey reports.
Where breeding is under way in herds that calve over August and September, keep a close eye on cows for signs of animals repeating.
Housing cows before breeding can improve conception rates as the herd is managed in a consistent environment with a steady diet offered daily.
Ahead of the upcoming breeding period, Kieran Mailey outlines some tips for autumn-calving herds.
Adam Woods takes a look at liming land, slurry closing dates and teh upcoming SCEP courses which farmers have to complete to get payment.
Meath’s green fields inspired Mark to pursue career to protect the environment
Former Meath hurler and senior engineer Mark O’Sullivan is part of a team working to bring more renewables on to the electricity grid.