Big ticket items lose out on VAT refunds
Amy Forde
On Tuesday, it issued a long-awaited updated list of eligible items which farmers can reclaim VAT on.
4 June 2024 News
Revenue's VAT guidance 'very disappointing' - IFA
The IFA is scathing of Revenue's updated list of items which are no longer eligible for VAT reclaim.
4 June 2024 News
Revenue issues list of eligible items for VAT reclaim
Revenue has updated its guidance on the application of the VAT refund order for flat-rate farmers.
Changes to IFA's policy team
There will be some new faces around the IFA's office with three new recruits joining its policy team.
29 May 2024 Dealer
Biomethane strategy will require 'a lot more funding' - IFA
An initial €40m in funding for capital grants was announced as part of the strategy.
29 May 2024 News
Debt levels up at farm service providers
Small businesses must stand up for themselves and complete cash flows.
15 May 2024 Viewpoints
Revenue visits farm to view disputed items
IFA farm business chair Bill O’Keeffe said Revenue was shown items such as meal bins, automatic calf feeders, water troughs, cubicle mats, slat mats and bulk tanks.
15 May 2024 News
Revenue visits Rushe’s farm to view disputed VAT rebate items
IFA farm business chair Bill O’Keeffe said Revenue were shown items such as meal bins, calf feeders, water troughs, cubicle mats, slat mats and bulk tanks.
14 May 2024 News
Review of TAMS reference costs needed – ICMSA
The ICMSA called on Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue to initiate the process of such a review.
9 May 2024 News
Farmer referrals to Rural Support double
Overall, 560 farm families contacted Rural Support for help during 2023/2024, with a 40% increase in calls seen during the last six months.
Concrete costs rise amid cement price hike
The cost of concrete has increased by around €50/m3, or 55% since the spring of 2021.
8 May 2024 News
My Farming Week: Molly Bradley, Killylea, Co Armagh
Molly Bradley farms in Armagh with her grandfather. Last year she won the all-Ireland young stockperson of the year.