Martin Kenny returns to Sinn Féin farm role
Pat O'Toole
The Sligo/Leitrim TD was previously Agriculture Spokesperson from 2016-2019, and is currently a member of the Oireachtas Agriculture Committee.
23 July 2024 News
Kenny returns to agriculture for Sinn Féin
The Sligo-Leitrim TD will succeed Claire Kerrane as Sinn Féin Agriculture and Rural Affairs spokesperson, the fourth person to fill the role since the last general election.
18 July 2024 News
Ursula von der Leyen reelected as European Commission president
Green MEPs agreed to back von der Leyen after she pledged to continue to commit to Europe’s green transition.
New MEP Carberry commits to push for larger CAP budget
MEP Nina Carberry has taken a seat at the European Parliament's budget committee which will feed into negotiations on the next CAP's budget.
17 July 2024 News
New MEPs have vital role in blocking Mercosur
The IFA president said that our MEPs may differ on some issues, but there’s a strong case for unity on Mercosur.
3 July 2024 Community
EU political nervousness on show
Of more concern right now to the EU is what might be happening in the US and closer to home in France.
3 July 2024 Viewpoints
IFJ Junior: ploughing through politics
With counting more complicated and dramatic than the Eurovision, the European elections are always entertaining, but they are also really important, says The Dealer.
26 June 2024 CL-IFJHome
Battle begins for EU top jobs
With the European elections completed, the fight for leadership and committee positions is under way in Brussels.
19 June 2024 News
IFA/ICMSA alliance helps Mullooly home
The Castlebar count centre could have been mistaken for a cattle mart, so many notable agri-politics figures passed through.
19 June 2024 Dealer
European election results: who are your new MEPs?
Five incumbent MEPs were not re-elected, two of which were Green Party MEPs.
14 June 2024 News
Independent Ireland gain 23 seats in local elections
The new party is also in contention to take a seat in the European Parliament through Ciaran Mullooly.
12 June 2024 News
Politics Podcast: race to Brussels remains tight
Political correspondent Pat O’Toole outlines the lay of the land just days before voters go to the polls to elect the 14 MEPs who will represent Ireland in Brussels.
6 June 2024 Podcast