Sheep Trends: lamb quotes cut by 50c/kg to 70c/kg
Darren Carty
Base quotes have been pulled significantly at three time periods over the last week, with cuts equating to a reduction of €10 to €15 on a carcase weighing 21kg.
19 June 2024 Markets
Sheep mart prices: factory cuts stifle agent buying power
The extent of the reduction in prices recorded over the last week has ranged anywhere from €5/head to upwards of €10/head.
16 June 2024 Markets
Factories move to reduce lamb price quotes
Base quotes for Monday have been pulled by 30c/kg to 50c/kg or the equivalent of €6 to €10.50 on a 21kg lamb carcase.
In pictures: lambs sell to €201 for 51kg in Ballinasloe
The keenest demand on the evening was recorded for fleshed ram lambs with the standout price being €198 paid for a batch of 10 weighing 46.5kg.
15 June 2024 Markets
Buying for Eid underpinning peak sheep kill
In addition to peak throughput in factories reports indicate the festival will significantly boost the number of sheep exported live from Ireland and Northern Ireland.
12 June 2024 News
Factories lag behind mart trade for lambs
The live trade in NI is returning higher prices to farmers with slaughter-fit lambs for sale.
12 June 2024 Northern Ireland
Sheep mart report: agents fitter for larger entries
Sale entries are running significantly higher in many marts, with prices steady-to-stronger on the back of buying for the Eid al-Adha festival.
12 June 2024 Markets
Sheep trends: peak week for sheep throughput
A weekly kill of between 60,000 and 70,000 head is expected, with factories ramping up processing capacity and some planning to operate at the weekend.
12 June 2024 Markets
Sheep price update: factories increasing processing activity
Official base quotes are starting the week in a steady manner but there are reports of producers with significant numbers securing 10c/kg higher.
10 June 2024 Markets
Sheep Trends: kill running 11,300 head lower
Last week's kill was recorded at just 42,826 head and it is hard to see where an additional 20,000 to 30,000 sheep will appear from to meet demand for the Eid al-Adha festival.
5 June 2024 Markets
Lamb quotes cut by 20c/kg to 30c/kg, hoggets by 30c/kg to 80c/kg
Speaking at the sheep shearing championships, IFA sheep chair Adrian Gallagher said the attempted cut risked undermining the sheep trade.
2 June 2024 Markets
Sheep management: enzootic abortion, selling hoggets and scheme dates
While breeding seems a long time away early lamb producers in particular are being advised of potential supply shortages of enzootic abortion vaccines.
29 May 2024 Management