Adam Woods takes a look back at the 2024 cattle trade and what categories of animals saw the most improvement in 2024.
SUBSCRIBER ONLYPositions are available on dairy farms across the country this week.
AHDB predicts that beef production in Britain will significantly by 2030 compared with 2023 baseline
Andrew Dale has targeted milk yield, solids and fertility using a crossbreeding programme on his 120-cow dairy farm. Kieran Mailey reports.
CattleEye, an AI-powered monitoring solution for dairy herds, secured the highest level of virtual investment at the Dairy Dragons competition during this year’s Irish Farmers Journal Dairy Day
There is a selection of openings available in the horticulture and dairy sectors in Wexford, Kildare and Cavan.
Going into the winter, there are jobs in the dairy sector available in Co Cork, Co Kildare and Co Meath with deadline for applications fast approaching.
Falling cattle numbers in Ireland and Europe means surplus processing capacity
There are a variety of jobs going in dairy farm enterprises in Louth, Kilkenny, Waterford and Tipperary.
There are plenty of openings for farm managers and assistants at dairy enterprises in the Munster region.