Two dogs ran sheep off the side of a cliff in west Galway, with the farmer now left searching for the missing ewes injured or dead.
The alleged incidents all followed a similar pattern of goods being promised and not delivered, plus excessive prices being charged. David Forsythe reports.
The national police and security service told the Irish Farmers Journal that it will be conducting regular anti-crime patrols and checkpoints in the lead-up to the festive period.
Minister for Justice Helen McEntee speaks to Rachel Donovan on rural crime from burglaries, thefts and trespassing to the closure of rural garda stations.
Gardaí are currently investigating the incident and no arrests were made by Friday evening.
The robbery took place at the Roscommon mart in the early hours of Sunday morning 15 September during which phone lines and the security alarm wires were cut.
That’s the message coming from the financial fraud awareness team in the Bank of Ireland tent at the National Ploughing Championships.
“Offenders are willing to travel the length and breadth of Northern Ireland to steal GPS kits,” David McCracken of the UFU has said.
There were 29 fewer offenses relating to agriculture in the last 12 months, figures released by the PSNI show.