Average costs across all agricultural sectors have risen by 73% in last seven years
James Hanly
New report launched by the Irish Farmers’ Association has looked into the impact of global events such as Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine on the cost of doing business for farmers.
11 September 2024 News
This pre-election Ploughing will be political
With a general election before next March, and probably not long after Halloween, there will be more politicians than chipper vans at the Ploughing Championships this year, writes Pat O’Toole.
17 July 2024 News
Commissioner calls for more CAP funding
European Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski looks back on a term of ‘crisis management’ and recommends that more money is secured for the next CAP.
Macra urges Taoiseach to 'follow the science'
Macra calls upon Taoiseach to follow the science in the run up to the next budget.
10 July 2024 News
Log prices steady over past year
UCD timber survey shows level prices achieved in private sales for small, medium and large logs over 12 months, writes Donal Magner.
3 July 2024 Forestry
US farm bill mixes welfare and farmer support
The nutrition programs in the US Farm Bill will push it to $1.4 trillion between 2025 and 2034.
3 July 2024 News
Health: COVID-19 summer surge
COVID-19 cases are on the rise week-by-week. It’s important to safeguard ourselves as best we can during this wave, writes Margaret Hawkins.
3 July 2024 Health