Explainer: the new rules for buying vaccines and doses
Rachel Donovan
From June 2025, retailers will require a veterinary prescription in order to supply antiparasitics under a new law on veterinary medicines.
18 September 2024 Breeding & health
Focus on flock health at Sheep Expo 2024
The event will focus on critical ailments influencing sheep sector performance including antiparasitic resistance, lameness, antimicrobial resistance and bluetongue.
21 May 2024 News
€750,000 for antimicrobial resistance research
Three projects have been awarded €250,000 each to develop tools aimed at combating the rise of antimicrobial resistance.
Farm projects sought for US-Ireland research partnership
With an aim to support Irish, Northern Irish and American researchers to collaborate on projects important to agriculture, the 2024 call was announced by Minister Martin Heydon.
29 March 2024 News
Vets and farmers struggling to secure vaccines
Restricted supplies of leptospirosis vaccines has been reported recently in many parts of the country, the ICMSA claimed.
24 March 2024 News