Quotes from factory buyers for clean cattle are up again this week, with 6p/kg added on to the top base quote, taking it to 470p/kg for U-3 grades.

Others are still offering base quotes as low as 460p/kg.

However, much more is available in the market, with 486p to 488p/kg generally being paid for steers and some reports of slightly over 490p/kg going for heifers suitable for the butcher trade.

While some factory agents report they have sufficient cattle coming forward to meet demand, others acknowledge that numbers are reasonably tight and they are having to pay more to secure their needs.

Price averages

Last week, the price paid for steers and heifers averaged 476.64p/kg, up nearly 2p/kg on the previous week.

U3 grading steers were down slightly at 485.4p/kg.

However, U3 heifers were up 3.1p to average 488.9p/kg.

R3 grading heifers were up 4.7p to average 485.8p/kg. U3 grading young bulls were virtually unchanged at just under 480p/kg.

Tight numbers

Reports suggest cattle numbers for slaughter in both the Republic of Ireland and Britain have tightened and with UK retail demand still solid, local abattoirs are looking to maximise throughput.

That is reflected in last week’s slaughter figures, with 9,190 cattle processed, the largest weekly kill since mid-June.

That kill included 2,300 cows, the fourth-largest weekly cow kill in 2024.

In total, 535 cattle were imported from the Republic of Ireland for direct slaughter in NI last week, up from 390 head in the previous week.

Given a price gap of around 50p/kg in favour of NI producers, only 13 head moved in the opposite direction.

Cow trade

The cow trade is steady, with a range in quotes for O+3 grades from 346p to 370p/kg.

The price paid last week for an R3 cow was 378.5p, up by 4.5p, while an O3 cow was at 358.8p, down by 1p.

NI spring lamb prices back

Spring lamb prices are slightly back this week in the marts as demand eases.

However, factories have increased quotes by 10p to 620p/kg, making a lamb worth £136.40 at the 22kg limit.


In Gortin, lambs sold to £150 for 33kg, with £140 for 31kg and £136 for 25kg. Lambs at 22kg made to £129/head.

Kilrea had a sale of 1,150 lambs selling from 562p to 609p/kg, little change on last week. Lambs at 25.5kg made £147 (577p), with 25kg at £145.50 (582p).

In Markethill, a big sale of 1,520 head sold from 550p to 611p/kg, down by 10p on last week. The 611p was for lambs at £134.50 for 22kg, with 599p for 21.33kg at £127.50.

Heavy lambs sold to 573p for 24kg at £137.50.

Very light store lambs made 726p/kg paid for 9.5kg at £69 and 677p for 10.2kg at £69.

Stronger stores made 577p for 17.5kg at £101, with 573p for 17.8kg at £102.

In Saintfield 780 head sold from 560p to 625p/kg, up by 5p for heavier sorts.

In Ballymena, there was a steady trade and £141 was paid for 25.5kg, with £133 for 23.5kg, £125 for 22kg and £121 for 21kg.

Fat ewes

The trade in fat ewes in the marts is steady this week. In Gortin, ewes sold to a top of £222, with a run from £130 to £210/head. In Kilrea, the top was £246.