DEAR EDITOR: One of the stories the late Sir Anthony O’Reilly repeatedly told was when he was being interviewed for the role of chief executive of Bord Bainne.

One of the co-operative executives interviewing him said: “Now, Tony, one of the first points you need to understand is that there is no co-operation between the co-operatives.”

Despite this, Tony went on to develop the Kerrygold brand and put millions in Irish dairy farmers’ pockets. How true this statement has proved to be.

What a disgrace now to see a number of Irish butter brands undercutting the price in the US where Kerrygold is getting a premium price. Any fool knows what it costs to build a brand, especially in the US.

The same people are sitting around the table in Mount Street, the headquarters of Ornua, the owner of the Kerrygold brand.

Finally, why are dairy farmers sitting on their hands while their farmer board members are supporting this disgraceful state of affairs?