Red diesel prices increase in July

Price quotes for red diesel have increased by 1p to 2p/l from mid-June with a delivery of 2,250 litres costing 73p to 74p/l, excluding VAT.

Quotes for 1,000 litres of DERV have also increased by a similar amount with prices ranging from 116p to 120p/l, excluding VAT.

Fuel prices have hardened on the back of rising crude oil prices, as well as a weakening in sterling against the dollar.

DAERA investigated over plan delay

DAERA is being investigated by a watchdog over a delay in publishing an environmental improvement plan for NI.

The Office for Environmental Protection (OEP) said the investigation surrounded “an alleged failure to comply with environmental law”.

The plan, which was due in July 2023, was brought to the NI Executive by DAERA Minister Andrew Muir earlier this year but has yet to be agreed.

New vet school opens for applicants

A new veterinary school based at Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) in Aberdeen has opened for applications.

It is the third vet school in Scotland and is the first to open in over 150 years.

SRUC will register the first students to Bachelor of Veterinary Science (BVSci) degree from mid-October. The school hopes to prepare students to work in rural mixed practices and the ag and food sector.