Just over 1,700ha of forestry has been granted approval for planting to date this year, the latest forestry licence dashboard figures up to 31 May 2024 show.

Some 526ha of forestry was approved in the month of May – over double the 260ha that was approved in April. The area approved has exceeded the total area approved in 2023, when licences covering 789ha were issued.

The figures show that 531ha of forestry has been planted to date this year and, going on the current planting trends, it appears unlikely that the sector will reach the Government’s target of 8,000ha for planting each year over the coming years.

The dashboard notes that the figures for afforestation planted in 2024 reflect afforestation that has been paid at first grant stage this year to date only and this includes the Native Tree Area Scheme.

Felling licences

The area granted for felling also behind compared with 2023. To date, some 9,095ha has been approved for felling.

By the end of May 2023, some 16,113ha had been approved for felling.


A total of 331 valid afforestation licence applications have been received in the year to date by the Department of Agriculture.

Of this figure, 207 licences have been approved. A total of 397 private felling licences have been applied for and, of this number, 478 have been approved.

Coillte has applied for 810 felling licences and 262 have been approved.