Bord Bia expects to see more Irish Grass-Fed Beef protected geographical indicator (PGI) cuts to be made available to Italian shoppers over the coming weeks, as efforts continue to expand the range of beef products offered to consumers under the EU-recognised origin label.

Senior manager of meat and livestock at Bord Bia Joe Burke stated that the main Italian retailer currently stocking rump heart is anticipated to offer more Irish Grass-Fed Beef PGI cuts to its customers in the near future.

“So far, we have one major retailer in the Italian market selling Irish beef across several hundred of their stores,” Burke said when speaking to the Irish Farmers Journal at the National Ploughing Championships 2024 in Ratheniska.

“It has been mainly around one cut so far – the rump heart – it’s skin-packed in Ireland and exported to Italy.

Extra cuts

“A very, very recent update is that they are likely over the coming weeks to take on a number of extra skews, a couple of extra cuts, which will add to the range and improve the carcase balance for those PGI-eligible carcases that are being produced.

“And this is only the tip of the iceberg really for the potential because, obviously, we would like to see this extended across a range of extra markets and it is going to focus on premium customers, on customers who recognise already the premium nature of Irish beef, but who see the opportunity to list Irish Grass-Fed Beef as a premium product.”

The Italian market has been the central focus of Bord Bia’s efforts to garner awareness of the PGI among buyers of Irish beef at retail and consumer level.

Other key markets targeted on continental Europe include France, Belgium and Spain.

“This is where PGIs are very well known and there is potential hopefully for us to gain more listings and ultimately to add more value to Irish beef exports into those markets,” Burke explained.