LAMMA 2025: Slovenian manufacturer showcases hybrid disc injector
Slovenian manufacturer, Betec exhibited for its first time at Lamma where it showcased its tanker mounted Hyber Disc hybrid trailing shoe/disc injection system.
The Hyber Disc is a half way house between a trailing shoe and disc injection system.
Betec, the Slovenian manufacturer of low-emission slurry applicators showcased its latest innovation which it has named the Hyber Disc.
Currently patent-pending, the unit is a lightweight trailing shoe with built-in 28cm discs to cut the surface and allow slurry to be injected.
Traditionally, slurry injectors have been heavy, complex machines and unsuitable for many farms based on a number of factors, including the two just mentioned. The Hyber Disc is a clever lightweight design which incorporates a disc into an existing trailing shoe design.
Across the working width, the springs taper into a Y-shape and are designed to carry a 28cm disc and rear trailing boot in order to slit the surface and deposit slurry. According to the firm, each outlet can have 30kg of downwards force applied to allow the individual discs to penetrate the surface.
While working widths are said to span from 4m to 24m, a 6m model was displayed. Spacing between the outlets is 25cm, each of which is supplied with slurry distributed via the company’s own macerator system.
According to Betec, the disc system can be retrofitted to existing trailing shoe systems. Weighing in at 800kg, the 6m unit is said to cost €13,000 plus VAT.
Each leaf spring is fitted with a 28cm disc and followed by a a rubber boot which deposits slurry.
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Title: LAMMA 2025: Slovenian manufacturer showcases hybrid disc injector
Slovenian manufacturer, Betec exhibited for its first time at Lamma where it showcased its tanker mounted Hyber Disc hybrid trailing shoe/disc injection system.
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Betec, the Slovenian manufacturer of low-emission slurry applicators showcased its latest innovation which it has named the Hyber Disc.
Currently patent-pending, the unit is a lightweight trailing shoe with built-in 28cm discs to cut the surface and allow slurry to be injected.
Traditionally, slurry injectors have been heavy, complex machines and unsuitable for many farms based on a number of factors, including the two just mentioned. The Hyber Disc is a clever lightweight design which incorporates a disc into an existing trailing shoe design.
Across the working width, the springs taper into a Y-shape and are designed to carry a 28cm disc and rear trailing boot in order to slit the surface and deposit slurry. According to the firm, each outlet can have 30kg of downwards force applied to allow the individual discs to penetrate the surface.
While working widths are said to span from 4m to 24m, a 6m model was displayed. Spacing between the outlets is 25cm, each of which is supplied with slurry distributed via the company’s own macerator system.
According to Betec, the disc system can be retrofitted to existing trailing shoe systems. Weighing in at 800kg, the 6m unit is said to cost €13,000 plus VAT.
Each leaf spring is fitted with a 28cm disc and followed by a a rubber boot which deposits slurry.
Betec, the Slovenian manufacturer of low-emission slurry applicators showcased its latest innovation which it has named the Hyber Disc.
Currently patent-pending, the unit is a lightweight trailing shoe with built-in 28cm discs to cut the surface and allow slurry to be injected.
Traditionally, slurry injectors have been heavy, complex machines and unsuitable for many farms based on a number of factors, including the two just mentioned. The Hyber Disc is a clever lightweight design which incorporates a disc into an existing trailing shoe design.
Across the working width, the springs taper into a Y-shape and are designed to carry a 28cm disc and rear trailing boot in order to slit the surface and deposit slurry. According to the firm, each outlet can have 30kg of downwards force applied to allow the individual discs to penetrate the surface.
While working widths are said to span from 4m to 24m, a 6m model was displayed. Spacing between the outlets is 25cm, each of which is supplied with slurry distributed via the company’s own macerator system.
According to Betec, the disc system can be retrofitted to existing trailing shoe systems. Weighing in at 800kg, the 6m unit is said to cost €13,000 plus VAT.
Each leaf spring is fitted with a 28cm disc and followed by a a rubber boot which deposits slurry.
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