Grass+ Dairy: sluggish grass growth could lead to trouble
Regrowths on the first grazed paddocks are very lack lustre, and could spell trouble when it comes to the second round, write Thomas Condon.

Setting up the spreader: understanding the difference between urea and compounds
Peter Thomas Keaveney looks at the main steps involved in checking over the fertiliser spreader, and outlines the importance of adjusting the spreader depending on the type of fertiliser being spread.
Grass+ Dairy: sluggish grass growth could lead to trouble
Regrowths on the first grazed paddocks are very lack lustre, and could spell trouble when it comes to the second round, write Thomas Condon.
Setting up the spreader: understanding the difference between urea and compounds
Peter Thomas Keaveney looks at the main steps involved in checking over the fertiliser spreader, and outlines the importance of adjusting the spreader depending on the type of fertiliser being spread.
Suckler Marts Roadshow launched
Adam Woods has all the details of a suckler marts roadshow taking place around the country over the next few weeks

Know your limits on fertiliser
Farmers should look at the fertiliser recommendations and ensure they are applying the right amounts.
Setting up the spreader: understanding the difference between urea and compounds
Peter Thomas Keaveney looks at the main steps involved in checking over the fertiliser spreader, and outlines the importance of adjusting the spreader depending on the type of fertiliser being spread.
New Galway yard makes handling 100 cattle a one-person operation
A look at a newly erected large cattle yard, designed for safety of operator and cattle.
Payment penalties for farm safety breaches
Farmers found to have broken PTO covers on machinery during HSA inspections are unlikely to be fined under new BISS rules, the Department insists.

Young Stock Podcast: Shaun Diver - the man behind Tullamore Farm
This week’s Young Stock Podcast features none other than Tullamore Farm manager Shaun Diver, who chats to Martin Merrick about his life before Tullamore and what has changed on the farms since 2018.
From the Tramlines: We are back and ready to grow
Tillage farmers are starting to get fieldwork done and 12 these farmers from across the country will share their experiences from their farms over the coming growing season.
Tullamore Farm update: calving coming close to halfway mark
Shaun Diver gives an update, as 37 cows have now calved, while management of the ewe flock ahead of lambing is also ongoing.
Large number of heifer calves born
Adam Woods has the latest update on Tullamore farm and how calving is progressing
Getting through the first SBLAS audit
Damien Murray, Origin Green Producer Liaison & Standard Co-Coordinator gives a step by step guide for new suckler members of SBLAS facing their first audit.
EASYFIX launches revolutionary slurry aeration system - ePulse
Suitable for existing and new tanks - 60% TAMS approved. Agitates slurry. Improves safety. Enhances nutrients.
Meath’s green fields inspired Mark to pursue career to protect the environment
Former Meath hurler and senior engineer Mark O’Sullivan is part of a team working to bring more renewables on to the electricity grid.
Newborns 'flourishing' thanks to Flourish Calf
Tipperary dairy and beef farmer pleased by 'unreal' impact of milk replacer.