Some 26% of farmers rated Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue’s performance positively, a 5% lift on the same period in 2022, the latest Irish Farmers Journal reader survey shows.

A total of 33% gave him an indifferent rating and a further 41% rated his performance as poor.

This survey was conducted after weather conditions improved on farms after a spring of prolonged rains which hampered field work and increased costs for many farmers.

The results show a 5% lift in the farmers’ reporting a positive view of the minister when compared with the same month in 2022 at a time when farm input costs were reaching record highs.

August 2022 saw Minster McConalogue’s approval rating peak at 30%, only to tumble back to a low of 21% one year later when the provisional derogation cut map was published. A total of 1,182 farmers responded to this question.