The year finished very well with exceptionally good ground conditions helping winter planting and autumn grazing.
Mercosur is obviously the elephant in the room and particularly what economic and social impact it will have on rural areas.
We know there are people starving in the world that would love the riches under our feet and yet we are knowingly long-term decommissioning land.
The move means big change in the relationship between the existing Kerry management and milk suppliers.
The company producing this product has a duty to inform consumers, and policymakers need to inform citizens.
Be sure that beef farmers are watching political soundings with keen interest.
Not publishing evaluations for breeders is a big step that could have long lasting impact.
Commissioner Henson he clearly wants better bargaining power for farmers while urging diversification of income sources to spread the risks.
The Biss payment has been reduced very significantly already under the Cap reform so the last thing we need is a unnecessary further deduction.