Positive farming not matched by positive policy
Jack Kennedy
Ultimately, what the Tullamore Farm results show is that with the right policy framework, farmers can respond to the challenge of reducing national emissions.
24 July 2024 Viewpoints
Delays to housing and renewable projects
Delays in the planning system have made Irish Government targets for housing supply unattainable in recent years.
24 July 2024 Viewpoints
Home Farm: hay baled after dry days
We have now fully replenished our hay stocks, and hopefully a reasonable second cut of silage will bring us up to meet our target supplies of winter feed.
Straw chopping debacle continues
Some oaten and rapeseed straw will do little or nothing for a fodder scarcity next winter.
24 July 2024 Viewpoints
Dempsey at Large: forward thinking or backtracking?
For the last few years, the straw incorporation scheme worked well from a farmer's point of view.
24 July 2024 Viewpoints
The Home Farm: rain on hay
Last week was forecast to get better and better so we took the plunge and cut all the grass intended for hay on Friday.
17 July 2024 Viewpoints
Inheritance tax under the microscope
In 2008, approximately €504,000 could be passed on tax-free between parents and children.
17 July 2024 Viewpoints
Slim dairy beef margins in early years
The farm is budgeting for a selling price of €4.70/kg for the typical O grade carcase from this type of operation.
10 July 2024 Viewpoints
Home Farm: beef weakens and first steps for harvest
Hopefully the bulk of the winter barley will meet the specifications without any pre-harvest treatment.
10 July 2024 Viewpoints
Animal health - Dutch calf challenge
It could take Ireland up to 16 years to achieve IBR-free status.
10 July 2024 Viewpoints
Top priority - quad bike safety
We have of course the regulation that all quad bike users must wear a helmet.
10 July 2024 Viewpoints
Positivity on emissions - EPA report
Cutting fertiliser to import feed from outside the country makes no sense.
10 July 2024 Viewpoints