Pig News
All the latest pig farming news from the Irish Farmers Journal. Keep up to date with all pig farming and production news developments in the pig sector.
All the latest pig farming news from the Irish Farmers Journal. Keep up to date with all pig farming and production news developments in the pig sector.
The IFA's pig and poultry chairs have told the Commissioner that EU farmers are squeezed by food imports and regulations.
The document lined out supports for Irish farmers in case of market disturbances as well as that distinctive Irish food and drink products would be protected.
Coming into the Christmas period, there are employers in the pig, dairy and horticulture sectors who are looking for new employees.
An EU-funded collaboration between farmers, researchers and vets, could see a more practical approach taken to updating pig welfare regulations than had been anticipated in 2023.
AFBI's Elizabeth Ball warned farmers that efforts to reduce ammonia emissions from pig units by feeding 13% crude protein finishing diets could have unintended consequences if not managed correctly.
Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue and Minister of State Senator Pippa Hackett made confirmed the funding for the four projects.
The sale price for the farms at Rathcabbin in Tipperary and Annakisha in north Cork has not been disclosed.
The Irish Farmers Journal spoke Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) pig chair Roy Gallie to get an overview of the current climate in the sector.
Next week's Irish Pig Health Symposium is a good opportunity for pig farmers and pig farm workers to attend, the IFA has said.
The European Parliament's vote will mean that almost all pig and poultry farmers will require an environmental license to operate.
Meath’s green fields inspired Mark to pursue career to protect the environment
Former Meath hurler and senior engineer Mark O’Sullivan is part of a team working to bring more renewables on to the electricity grid.