The malting premium over feed is one of the bright lights for tillage farmers in terms of possibilities to improve margins. It always has been.
The first priority was to get the Roundup on the beans ground – it badly needs cleaning up before sowing.
Any restrictions on early morning aircraft movements are a particular headache for Aer Lingus.
We need something very quickly on the nutrient storage side of the house for farmers.
The consumer perception of grass-based food is hugely positive as we can see from the premium earned by Kerrygold butter.
The animal health focus this week discusses the basics of calf rearing and inexpensive early animal health management issues that all farmers should refresh themselves on.
Rewetting: if we don’t map out the impacts now, then when do we do it?
The beans are going into fields that had a terrible crop of winter barley, a bad crop of winter wheat and a reasonable crop of late sown spring barley.
Trump’s gripe is that too many countries are running trade surpluses with the US, and as he thinks this is a bad thing, he wants to translate these surpluses into deficits.