For value growth to continue, clearly Irish grain needs to be the basis for Irish drinks.
SUBSCRIBER ONLYHow quickly we forget some of the detail and indeed some of the outcomes from these so-called scandals.
It seems, on the face of it, that this tariff rate is below expectations and not going to give the injection or boost to farmers that they need to take on the project risks.
Running the water supply and wastewater disposal system will cost the Exchequer up to €2 billion per annum if current ambitions are to be realised.
The EU powerhouses of Germany and France need financial stimulation and are in a very different fiscal economic situation to Ireland at the moment.
Additional power needs new generation units and renewables, wind farms and solar arrays being the favoured options.
The most obvious contrast between 'then' and 'now' is the change in scale in every dimension of agriculture.
A more diverse population means it is more challenging to communicate with people about farm tasks.
The original CAP, with its guaranteed intervention prices and export refunds, was designed to prevent severe fluctuations.
The difference in final price between the best and the worst was a really signifiant €340.