Read The Irish Farmers Journal for all the latest developments in the sheep farming sector & market today including lamb, hogget & sheep prices.

Sheep price update: lamb base quotes drop below €8/kg mark
Darren Carty
Factories have reduced quotes by another 20c/kg, leaving base quotes ranging from €7.80/kg to €7.90/kg or a starting price of €8/kg for quality assured lambs.
26 June 2024 Markets
Camera at the Mart: ewes steal limelight in New Ross sheep sale
Demand for heavy cull ewes was one of the stand-out features at the sheep sale in New Ross Mart this week. There was also a lovely lamb trade.
26 June 2024 Markets
Camera at the Mart: increased demand lifts prices in Raphoe
The trade in Monday’s sale firmed by €1 to €2/head, despite factory price pressure, while higher numbers of store lambs met a keen demand.
NI Trends: beef prices steady for in-spec cattle; lamb trade recovers in marts
There is a steady outlook within the NI beef trade, with no movement on price. Lambs are an improved trade, with mart prices rebounding from last week.
26 June 2024 Markets
Sheep mart watch: lower entries helping marts resist factory pressure
While prices have eased, many mart managers are reporting that a drop-off in numbers is helping to generate higher levels of competition between buyers.
26 June 2024 Markets
Sheep Trends: base quotes 10c/kg to 20c/kg lower
The reduction in quotes occurred over the weekend, with prices in the main holding steady since the start of the week.
26 June 2024 Markets
Lamb quotes fall 20c/kg to €8.20/kg
Reports indicated factories had plans to reduce prices further but tighter lamb supplies and reduced slaughter performance has helped hold prices.
26 June 2024 Markets
Sheep price update: variable price signals sent by factories
A couple of factories have started the week on a similar base quote of €8.20/kg, while a couple more have pulled base quotes by 20c/kg to €8.00/kg to €8.05/kg.
24 June 2024 Markets
Sheep Trends: lamb quotes cut by 50c/kg to 70c/kg
Base quotes have been pulled significantly at three time periods over the last week, with cuts equating to a reduction of €10 to €15 on a carcase weighing 21kg.
19 June 2024 Markets
Sheep mart prices: factory cuts stifle agent buying power
The extent of the reduction in prices recorded over the last week has ranged anywhere from €5/head to upwards of €10/head.
19 June 2024 Markets
Camera at the Mart: trade withstands price pressure in Elphin
While factory agents were keen to reduce prices, the presence of online purchasing activity for fleshed lambs kept a firm floor under the trade and minimised price reductions.
19 June 2024 Markets
Dawn Meats to expand for Aldi contract
New Aldi contract of 25m per year, will mean 15 new jobs and triggers a €5m expansion for Dawn's Waterford factory.
19 June 2024 News