Key elements in designing cattle handling facilities
Martin Merrick
Martin Merrick outlines some key technical and Department of Agriculture advice surrounding the design of cattle yards and crushes.
14 August 2024 Infrastructure
Farm fencing costs: TAMS costs out of kilter
Martin Merrick looks at where actual costs lie as regards TAMS, as both posts and wire costs increase.
14 August 2024 Infrastructure
2024 finances make investments tough
With margins squeezed this year, investing in your farm is becoming more and more difficult.
Down to earth: setting up and earthing electric fences
Martin Merrick chats to Noel Lynch of Lynch Fencing on how to properly set up a system that works effectively.
28 April 2024 Infrastructure
Ensuring sufficient water supply this summer
Several factors feed in to the sizing of water troughs and a clean, fresh water supply is essential for all stock types.
27 April 2024 Infrastructure
Clarity needed for farmers to invest in their farms
Costs of infrastructure have never been higher and farmers need to know they are not throwing good money after bad.
24 April 2024 Infrastructure
Key tips on repairing or creating farm roadways
Martin Merrick looks at some of the areas that farmers may need to draw their attention to when it comes to roadway maintenance.
24 April 2024 Infrastructure
Exploring lower cost fencing options for sheep
An escalation in input prices in recent years has put a greater focus on driving performance from a grass-based system, but some fencing options have also become more costly.
24 April 2024 Infrastructure
70% slurry storage grant in the pipework but no mention of separate TAMS ceiling
While the European commission has given approval for a 70% storage grant, uptake will likely be low, show surveys and analysis. Martin Merrick and Siobhan Walsh report.
24 April 2024 Infrastructure
Pedigree palace in Monaghan for up-and-coming herd
Simone and Niall Maguire have recently built a bespoke cattle shed for their Rockvalley pedigree and commercial cattle herd.
24 April 2024 Infrastructure
Heavy duty handling unit improves safety for Mayo suckler herd
Bo Steel recently supplied a new bespoke handling unit for suckler farmer Michael Cunnane.
27 December 2023 Infrastructure