The Irish Farmers Journal was ringside in Cilin Hill, Kilkenny Mart last Thursday, 6 June for the marts weekly cattle. Numbers took a sharp turn downhill this week, but mart staff and customers all commented on the exceptional trade for both bullocks and heifers.

Despite the exceptional prices, farmers held back on bringing out stock this week – possibly due to the recent upturn in weather and with other commitments such as silage and family holidays taking precedent.

Mart manager Michael Lynch told the Irish Farmers Journal;“There is a strong appetite there, and there is no reason not to be bringing cattle out.” – this was well reflected in the trade.

Trade in both rings was noticeably strong this week, but in particular the heavy and forward store cattle for finishing were a particularly strong trade.

In the rings, bullocks weighing from 400kg to 500kg typically averaged €3.20/kg, with the top end lots averaging closer to the €3.70/kg mark.

Heavier bullocks weighing from 500kg to 600kg typically ranged from €2.60/kg to €3.10/kg and store buyers were also active, with prices for the top quality lots ranging from €2.85 to €3.70 per kilo.

Heifers were also a buoyant trade, with 400kg to 500kg heifers averaging €2.77/kg and 500kg to 600kg heifers ranging from €2.65/kg to €3.11/kg. Heifers weighing over the 600kg mark were also impressive, generally averaging €3.00/kg but pushing north of €3.30/kg

Topping the day’s trading in Kilkenny was a Limousin-cross Belgian Blue heifer born in October 2021 and weighing 690kg that sold for €2,350 (€3.41/kg).

Other notable prices in the heifer section included another Limousin-cross heifer weighing 685kg that sold for €2,280 (€3.33/kg) and an Angus-cross heifer born in February 2022 and weighing 645kg that sold for €1,950 (€3.02/kg).

Other noticeable increases across the board saw bullocks weighing from 400kg to 500kg improve €0.55/kg on the same week last year, while 500kg to 600kg weight bullocks were up on average €0.30/kg. In the heifer ring, all classes appear to be around €0.20/kg dearer than the same period last year.

Auctioneer George Candler added, there was “a dramatic fall in numbers at Kilkenny Mart. The trade for all lots was very sharp with no shortage of customers.

“An indication of the strong trade was that the average price of beef bullocks was €3 per kilo with beef heifers averaging €3.10 per kilo.”

This group of three Limousin-cross bullocks born in February and April 2023 and weighing 418kg sold for €1,510 (€3.61/kg).
This pair of Charolais-cross bullocks born in February 2023 and weighing 448kg sold for €1,700 (€3.79/kg).
This pair of Charolais-cross bullocks born in January 2023 and weighing 488kg sold for €1,810 (€3.71/kg).
This group of three Charolais-cross bullocks born in January 2023 and weighing 458kg sold for €1,620 (€3.54/kg).
This group of 11 Hereford-cross bullocks born in April 2022 and weighing 308kg sold for €760 (€2.47/kg).
This pair of Angus-cross bullocks born in September 2022 and weighing 575kg sold for €1,640 (€2.85/kg).
This group of five Limousin-cross bullocks born in March 2022 and weighing 473kg sold for €1,540 (€3.26/kg).
This group of four Charolais and Limousin-cross bullocks born in June and November 2022 and weighing 526kg sold for €1,640 (€3.12/kg).
This Charolais-cross bullock born in April 2022 and weighing 600kg sold for €1,960 (€3.27/kg).
This Limousin-cross bullock born in January 2022 and weighing 725kg sold for €2,280 (€3.14/kg).
This Charolais-cross bullock born in February 2022 and weighing 735kg sold for €2,340 (€3.18/kg).