Some farmers are planting and when rain is on the way you could attend the National Tillage Conference.
Protina looks to be an impressive variety on the recommended list this year with the highest yield and a high protein content.
The slurry-spreading season has started again, but you should only take slurry in where conditions are suitable to do so.
There have been no new additions to the spring wheat recommended list from the Department of Agriculture this year.
Two new varieties have made the spring oats list from the Department of Agriculture, which was published on Friday 10 January.
The spring barley recommended list has been published by the Department of Agriculture and includes 12 different varieties.
Nutrition needs to be watched in beet crops. Some crops were showing nitrogen and boron deficiency this year.
Chemical protection will remain important for growers even when new, more resistant varieties come on stream, a Teagasc researcher explained.
Growers could plant more efficient varieties of potatoes, but the consumer is not looking for them, an agronomist told the national potato conference.