Legal: if there is a liability – who has to pay the family debt?
Aisling Meehan
When someone dies and leaves a debt, what can the will tell us about who has to pay? Aisling Meegan answers your queries.
18 September 2024 Ask Miriam
Ask Miriam: ‘how do I say no to her babysitter offer’?
This week, Miriam offers advice to a new Mammy who is uneasy with the offer of free childminding from her sister-in-law due to differences in parenting styles.
11 September 2024 Ask Miriam
Ask Miriam: ‘my mother-in-law has controversial views’
This week, Miriam seeks to advise a lady who is finding it hard to hold her tongue when her outspoken mother in law expresses controversial views in front of her children.
Desperate Farmhusband: you can ‘check out’ of the farm – but you can never leave
Our Desperate Farmhusband took a holiday and the farm didn’t fall apart in his absence. Maybe he could be tempted to go somewhere again?
11 September 2024 Features
Katherine O'Leary: 'stifled and silenced by fear of a church that was revered’
The recent Scoping Inquiry into abuse of children in schools run by religious orders has absolutely shocked the nation – and rightly so, writes Katherine O’Leary.
11 September 2024 Careers
‘Hurt as husband forgets big birthday’
This week, a reader seeks advice from Miriam on how to handle her disappointment at her husband's lack of effort to celebrate her significant birthday.
4 September 2024 Ask Miriam
Churn of the century: step back in time at The Butter Museum
The Butter Museum brought back memories as two IFA stalwarts were honoured, writes Katherine O’Leary.
4 September 2024 Katherine O'Leary
Break the Cycle: giving light and hope
A Kilkenny woman who lost her son and husband to suicide, is offering hope and practical support to others struggling with their mental health, writes Deirdre Verney.
4 September 2024 Features
Katherine O'Leary: Granny is going on a sleep over
With ditches full of blackberries, Katherine got to work on her autumnal tart, with thoughts of her grandson Ricky at the forefront of her mind, writes Katherine O’Leary.
28 August 2024 Katherine O'Leary
Ask Miriam: ‘elderly dad refuses to give up driving to pub’
A concerned daughter seeks Miriam's advice on how to convince her father that driving home from the pub after a few pints is not an option.
28 August 2024 Ask Miriam
Rainy day fun for all ages
From museums to skate parks, aquariums to play zones, there’s an indoor activity for everyone, writes Gemma Kingston from The Family Edit.
28 August 2024 Features
Childminder regulations may exacerbate childcare crisis
The imminent introduction of new regulations for childminders could have a major impact on the availability of childcare in rural Ireland – a sector already in crisis, writes Jacqueline Hogge.
28 August 2024 l2