Case by former employee against Macra thrown out at WRC
Anne O'Donoghue
John MacCormack, who took the case, failed to turn up to the hearing.
20 May 2024 News
56% of agricultural employers inspected by WRC in breach of employment law
In total, the WRC recovered €35,584 in unpaid wages last year in the agricultural sector.
19 April 2024 News
McConalogue to pay €30,000 to driver for unfair dismissal
A WRC adjudicator has ordered the Minister to pay his former driver €30,000 compensation for his unfair dismissal which came into force on Christmas Day 2022. Gordon Deegan reports.
Worker who hit cow has disciplinary action reduced
The worker admitted to striking the cow, but said he had received a severe kick from the animal.
27 March 2024 News
Former Grasstec livestock agent awarded €2,000 in unfair dismissal case
Bobby Fenton said the accusation by Grasstec that he traded on his own account during working hours with their customers was “baseless”.
19 February 2024 News