The association said that the “constantly evolving regulatory and non-regulatory measures” will further add to the challenges and complexity of nutrient management on farms.
New measures to be introduced following review of the nitrates action programme.
We need something very quickly on the nutrient storage side of the house for farmers.
Emma Walls, CEO of the National Dairy Council (NDC), talks to news editor Amy Forde on funding, the nitrates derogation and what the next 10 years will bring for the dairy sector.
Emma Walls said that sales of dairy alternatives have peaked and are now retreating.
The SDP, developed by SAI Platform, provides a five-stage verification system that aligns sustainability expectations between dairy processors and buyers.
The funding aims to protect and restore good water quality across Ireland.
A joint statement from the two organisations said they emphasised the economic and environmental significance of the derogation for Ireland’s agricultural sector.
The day features competitions in traditional stock judging, tractor driving, welding, fencing as well as a mix of sporting challenges.
Meath’s green fields inspired Mark to pursue career to protect the environment
Former Meath hurler and senior engineer Mark O’Sullivan is part of a team working to bring more renewables on to the electricity grid.