Take steps to minimise aftereffects of wet winter on silage, farmers urged
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Heightened risks of soil and slurry contamination in first-cut grass silage after the wet winter will require extra vigilance with silage making this season, an expert is urging.
There’s a future for palm oil in the dairy supply chain
If not palm, then what? Understanding the complex story of sustainable palm and the vital role it plays in supporting global conservation efforts, local economies and the dairy supply chain.
Addressing bloat in young calves
Bloat is a condition found in both dairy and beef animals, which can affect either the abomasum or the rumen, with calves suffering from abomasal bloat usually less than three weeks old.
Lamlac®: providing lambs with the best start in life
Peadar Coyle, a long-time customer of Volac Milk Replacer, farms on a 500-acre holding at Curraghboy, Co Roscommon, approximately 15 kilometres to the northwest of Athlone.