Sheep mart prices: cull ewes grabbing the headlines
Darren Carty
Some very fancy prices have been reported this week, with heavy fleshed ewes ranging in cases from €210 to €240 and rising as high as €260 to €290 in isolated cases.
17 July 2024 Markets
Sheep mart prices: trade steady to firmer in cases
With entries of finished lambs at a low level and signs of a steadier trade, factory agents have been competing with greater intensity for well-fleshed lambs.
10 July 2024 Markets
Sheep mart prices: lambs suffer another fall of €5 to €10 per head
With significant factory price cuts coming thick and fast, agents are less willing to lock horns, resulting in a much more subdued trade this week.
Sheep price update: another 20c/kg cut to lamb prices
Base prices for Tuesday have fallen to €7.30/kg, with top prices reported in the region of €7.50/kg to €7.70/kg.
8 July 2024 Markets
Sheep mart comment: prices easing as the week progress
Consecutive reductions in factory prices are being reflected in mart sales, with prices declining as the week is progressing.
3 July 2024 Markets
Camera at the Mart: increased demand lifts prices in Raphoe
The trade in Monday’s sale firmed by €1 to €2/head, despite factory price pressure, while higher numbers of store lambs met a keen demand.
26 June 2024 Markets
Sheep mart watch: lower entries helping marts resist factory pressure
While prices have eased, many mart managers are reporting that a drop-off in numbers is helping to generate higher levels of competition between buyers.
26 June 2024 Markets
Camera at the Mart: trade withstands price pressure in Elphin
While factory agents were keen to reduce prices, the presence of online purchasing activity for fleshed lambs kept a firm floor under the trade and minimised price reductions.
19 June 2024 Markets
In pictures: lambs sell to €201 for 51kg in Ballinasloe
The keenest demand on the evening was recorded for fleshed ram lambs with the standout price being €198 paid for a batch of 10 weighing 46.5kg.
15 June 2024 Markets
Sheep mart report: agents fitter for larger entries
Sale entries are running significantly higher in many marts, with prices steady-to-stronger on the back of buying for the Eid al-Adha festival.
12 June 2024 Markets
Sheep mart prices: factory pressure reflected in lamb prices
Marts have recorded prices reducing anywhere from €3 to €8/head, with significant variation apparent between sales and influenced by numbers on offer or buyer competition.
5 June 2024 Markets
Sheep mart prices: lamb prices ease by €3 to €8 per head
Agents have been keen to try to ease prices in line with factory quotes, while those buying lambs for live export have been quieter this week.
29 May 2024 Markets