IFJ Junior: from polytunnel to plate
Loughmore NS has joined forces with a local café for an innovative first, writes Deirdre Verney.
26 June 2024 CL-IFJHome
IFJ Junior: from polytunnel to plate for Loughmore students
Loughmore NS has joined forces with a local café for an innovative first, writes Deirdre Verney.
26 June 2024 l2
IFJ Junior: children give it a hurl for Sounds of Semple
A hurling inspired Haka from Tipperary schoolchildren delivers Sounds of Semple spectacular, writes Jacqueline Hogge.
Desperate Farmwife: bullying in a small, rural school is difficult to navigate
Are kids just being kids, or is there more going on? Our Desperate Farmwife doesn’t have all the answers, but she is always there for her children (and her cows).
19 June 2024 Features