

Watch: Pöttinger unveils tillage kit updates

Gary Abbott travelled to a recent Pöttinger press event in Krems, Austria, to find out more about the brand’s latest additions and updates to its tillage equipment range.

4 September 2024
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Pöttinger adds grouper to non-conditioner rear mower combination

Austrian manufacturer, Pöttinger has added its Cross Flow auger grouper option to its Novacat V 9200 non-conditioner rear-mower combination.

10 July 2024
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Pöttinger unveils two new Hit V Alpin tedder models

Alongside a number of other grassland innovations, Pöttinger has launched two new Hit V Alpin tedders - a four rotor and six rotor model.

27 June 2024 NEWS OK

Pöttinger expands four-rotor rake offering

Pöttinger has expanded its four-rotor rake range with the addition of its new Top VT 12540 C model.

26 June 2024
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Pöttinger launches baby Jumbo range

Following the launch of the revamped Jumbo 7000 forage wagon range in 2021 and larger Jumbo 8000 in 2022, the Austrian manufacturer has now launched the compact Jumbo 5000 ranging from 32m3 to 54m3.

26 June 2024
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Pöttinger launches front mower with automatic side-shift

Pöttinger has introduced a new OptiCurve automatic side-shift function to its Novacat F 3100 plain front mower.

26 June 2024
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